Extended sick leave

Case Management is a specialist unit at ETH Zurich which supports employees and their supervisors deal with existing or foreseeable cases of incapacity for work due to health-related issues.

Case Management offers active and systematic process support in the event of health problems restricting a person’s capacity for work. The aim is to restore and maintain the employee’s ability to work and reintegrate them into working life.

As a specialist unit within the Vice-Presidency for Personnel Development and Leadership, Case Management works closely with the HR Consulting team, plays a coordinating role and acts as a point of contact between various internal and external stakeholders. It does not pass on any confidential information relating to employees to third parties without their consent.

Case Management carries out a thorough analysis of the situation and requirements at hand. Opportunities are identified, solutions devised and individual sub-targets set in consultation with the person concerned. The situation is regularly assessed to review the progress made towards achieving these targets and implementing solutions and ultimately to evaluate the outcome.

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  • Optimum support based on individual guidance that focuses on resources and solutions, an extensive network, the expertise of the relevant contacts and specialist units, and knowledge of employment law and social security.
  • Orientation gathered through a structured analysis of the requirements and possible courses of action.
  • Clarity thanks to specific targets and corresponding measures.
  • Prospects and sustainable solutions developed on the basis of a systematic approach.
  • Empowering employees to act on their own responsibility.

Identifying issues and taking action at an early stage increases the chances of successful reintegration. This is based on the cooperative collaboration of all parties concerned. Sustainable Case Management relies on the individual responsibility and active participation of the employee. 

As a general rule, you should inform your supervisor, who is your first point of contact. If necessary, you can also get in touch with your HR Consulting team or approach Case Management directly. In a first step your situation and the further action are discussed.

If a member of your team is restricted in their ability to work or their health is under strain, you have a duty of care to take prompt action. As a manager, you have a key role to provide lasting support and to facilitate your employee’s reintegration. Your HR Consulting team, which will liaise with Case Management, is happy to support you. Depending on the situation, you can also approach Case Management directly. Together we will discuss what further action to take.

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